In each APICDA community, the City, Tribe and/or Village Corporation is eligible to apply for the Community Development Grant Program for an amount determined yearly by APICDA’s board of directors.
The CDGP provides a resource to APICDA communities of direct financial support and assists with leveraging additional funding for priority initiatives. Each APICDA community has developed a Community Development Plan identifying goals for the community. This program assists communities in accomplishing their community development goals.
CDGP Application Periods are January 15 – March 31 and August 1 – October 1.

Before applying, please contact APICDA Programs to review your project. APICDA Program staff are available to go over your application prior to applying to make sure your project falls within the CDGP Guidelines.
Please fill out the Entity Acknowledgement MOU form at this link prior to applying and upload it with the entity application.
The list of all required application questions is available upon request.
Projects must be listed on the Community Development Plan. In addition, all applications must be approved by each local governing entity and meet as many of the following CDQ program requirements as possible:
1. Benefit All Community Residents: APICDA focuses on community-based initiatives, advocacy, vocational training, education, and social programs identified as high priorities through the Community Development Plans (CDP). The APICDA board and staff work together closely to achieve our strategic objectives and leverage our resources to benefit our member communities. CDGP applications should illustrate that the funding will benefit all community residents.
2. Provide In-Region Employment: APICDA Programs provide meaningful employment in the region. Submitting projects that offer new jobs or improve current employment opportunities for residents is encouraged.
3. Aid in the Reduction of Poverty: APICDA provides a portfolio of programs that are responsive to the many needs of our CDQ communities. Projects that prioritize skill-building efforts such as education and training in preparation to work on projects, local hires to manage or work on projects, improve infrastructure or access to basic needs, and focus on sustainable development are encouraged.
4. Provide Economic and Social Benefits for Community Residents: APICDA grants assist communities in addressing their priority needs. APICDA supports projects that directly provide economic and social benefits to community residents in the region.
5. Aid in Creating a Sustainable and Diversified Local Economy: Applicants may apply for projects that foster economic resilience, environmental stewardship, and community livability. APICDA’s mission is to strengthen local economies and build infrastructure to support commerce in its member communities.
6. Benefit the Fishing Industry Directly or Indirectly: Funding for grants like the CDGP is made possible through APICDA’s financial stewardship, which includes managing revenue from CDQ quotas and making strategic fisheries investments in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Areas. Projects that benefit your community’s fishing industry and align with APICDA’s mission and the CDQ purpose are encouraged.
For Questions Contact
APICDA Programs
717 K St., Anchorage, AK 99501
Call: (907) 929-5273
Toll Free: 1 (888) 927-4232
Fax: (907) 929-5275