
The programs below play a vital role in APICDA’s mission to support economic development, workforce training and employment goals in its member communities. APICDA provides financial support to advance community priority initiatives and offers college and vocational training scholarships, internships, and opportunities to pursue business startup funds. Since its inception, APICDA has awarded millions of dollars to support local community development projects, to assist students pursuing college education and vocational training.

Community Liaison Officers (CLO) are your local contacts for information about APICDA. When you need information about programs, please contact your CLO or APICDA Program staff at

In 2024, APICDA will introduce a streamlined online application submission system via the user-friendly portal, Submittable. While some programs are currently transitioning to online applications, others still require paper submissions. This variance reflects the ongoing effort to ensure a seamless experience for applicants, as creating and thoroughly troubleshooting online applications takes time. Our goal is to create a convenient and efficient process for the applicant.