Spring Community Conference Highlights

APICDA’s summer newsletter, The Aleutian Wave, is filled with program news and highlights from the Community Conference held in the spring of 2023. For the summer edition, please click here.

Aleutian Marketplace Awards Micro Grants

Eight local businesses from Sand Point to Unalaska have been selected to receive Aleutian Marketplace Micro Grant (AMMG) funding. The $3,000 grant award may be used for a wide selection of items that are essential to start or assist an established privately-owned...

Grizzly Donuts shares food service tips at webinar.

There has been a lot of interest in opening food service businesses in the A/P region. To learn more about this popular subject, the Aleutian Marketplace invited Grizzly Donuts from Eagle River to share their story. Please join us on Thursday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m. to...

Alaska Salt Co. February Webinar Speaker

Please join the Aleutian Marketplace for A SALTY STORY on Thursday, February 24th at 6 pm. Casey Siekaniec, owner of the Alaska Salt Co. in Homer, will discuss small-scale manufacturing in Alaska. Please download event flier here.    

Photography for Beginners & Pros Webinar

Join professional photographer, Brian O’Keefe, for tips on how to take great photos. Aleutian Marketplace webinar to be held on Thursday, May 27, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Click here for more information.

Legal Information for New Businesses

Learn the basic legal requirements to start a new business in Alaska at the next Aleutian Marketplace webinar on Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. For more information, please view the event flyer here.

False Pass is recruiting for a Harbor Master

False Pass is currently recruiting for a harbor master. Please see the job description here and contact the City of False Pass at cityoffalsepass@ak.net for more information.   

Seafood Trade Relief Program Announcement

The USDA announced a new program to assist U.S. fishermen who have been economically impacted by retaliatory trade actions of foreign governments.  The Seafood Trade Relief Program (STRP) is part of a relief strategy to support American producers.  The list...

Aleutian Marketplace Webinar featuring Mariculture

Mariculture has recently been a bright spot of growth in Alaska’s economy. New farms are producing seaweed and shellfish from Ketchikan to Kodiak, and now interest is growing in Southwest Alaska. Tamsen Peeples, a mariculture expert, will be teaching a workshop on...

APICDA Launches Photo Contest

It’s time to start thinking about the APICDA Photo Contest! Last fall, 26 photos were selected for our 2020 calendar. Send in your best high-resolution shots today! Details here: https://www.apicda.com/photo-contest/

Social Media Marketing Webinar June 2nd

APICDA is offering more Aleutian Marketplace Fellowship webinars related to small business development! This is an initiative to support the growth of commerce in the Aleutian/Pribilof region. Click here to view the event flyer.  

Etsy Webinar Offered April 16th

The Aleutian Marketplace Fellowship is offering more webinars related to small business development! Join us Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. for valuable tips about selling your art on Etsy, the e-commerce website. All webinar participants living in an...

New Scholarships!

We are excited to announce new scholarship opportunities! APICDA’s Haginaa Kidul (Helping to Grow) scholarships will be available to residents from Adak, Cold Bay, King Cove and Sand Point, in addition to our CDQ communities and Unalaska. Our competitive Haginaa...

Community Conference Canceled

APICDA, like many other organizations, is doing everything possible to reduce the public health threat of COVID-19 by following evolving state and federal guidelines to the best of our abilities. The safety of our community members, stakeholders, and staff is at the...

COVID-19 Update: Employees working from home

APICDA has been following the COVID-19 pandemic closely and has been implementing the recommendations from state and federal officials to reduce the public health threat and ensure the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders. Please click here for...

APICDA Launches Gear Reimbursement Grant!

We are delighted to announce APICDA’s gear reimbursement grant pilot program! Residents who commercial fish and/or participate in subsistence harvest in the communities of Akutan, Atka, False Pass, Nikolski, Nelson Lagoon, and St. George are eligible to receive...

Aleutian Marketplace Features Etsy Workshop

The Aleutian Marketplace Fellowship Competition is hosting informative workshops focused on the Lean Canvas Business Model and getting started with Etsy the e-commerce site to sell art.  Please view event flyer for more information.

Atka School Stays Open

After fears of closure, Atka’s school is back to 10 students and staying...