The APICDA Infrastructure Grant (AIG) provides APICDA communities with a funding source to help leverage grant funds from state, federal, or private funders for community-initiated infrastructure development projects.
The AIG application period is from January 1 – September 30. Governing entities interested in applying for AIG funding should contact the APICDA program office.
The Native Village was awarded AIG funding for a small boat harbor feasibility study. These funds
supported the non-federal match required of the Tribe for the project under the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Tribal Partnership Program.
AIG funds were awarded to the City of False Pass for a Hydrokinetic Demonstration Project.
AIG funds supported Nelson Lagoon’s power system upgrade project to upgrade and renovate the existing power generation, electrical distribution, fuel storage and handling, and heat recovery facilities.
The City of St. George's waste heat recovery system (WHRS) repair in its school building was funded by AIG funds to optimize energy use, decrease reliance on heating oil, and increase energy efficiency.
Akutan’s West Harbor Road Project, outlined in red, was funded in part with the AIG. The road will provide land-based accessibility between the community and its boat harbor.
APICDA helped to fund Atka’s health clinic through the AIG and the Community Development Grant Program (CDGP).
The new harbor house project in False Pass has been funded through the AIG and is designed to provide support services to the local fishing fleet. It will create employment opportunities to ensure the safety, functionality, and maintenance of the harbor with consistent moorage collection. The facility will also support additional services such as laundry and shower access for the transient fleet, generating additional revenue for the City.
In Nelson Lagoon, AIG funding is helping to address critical water infrastructure needs. For years, the community has faced intense erosion, which has started to wash out their waterline. By installing another water holding tank, Nelson Lagoon will mitigate these issues, ensuring a stable water supply throughout the winter months without the need for mid-winter pumping.
The City of St. George received AIG funding for the preconstruction and engineering (PED) phase of the St. George Harbor Improvement Project. The purpose of this project is to create a safe harbor for the small island community, reducing hazards and providing better navigation for subsistence vessels, the small boat halibut fleet, fuel barges, cargo vessels, and a limited commercial fleet.
AIG award recipients:
Akutan: The City of Akutan used AIG funds for the harbor road construction project.
Atka: The Native Village of Atka was awarded an AIG to fund the small boat harbor feasibility study, and the City of Atka funded the health clinic construction with the AIG. False Pass: The City of False Pass used AIG funding for the False Pass harbor house construction project and the hydrokinetic demonstration project. Nelson Lagoon: The Nelson Lagoon Tribe used AIG funds for its rural power system and water tank storage upgrade projects.
St. George: The City of St. George used AIG funding for the preconstruction and engineering phase of the St. George harbor improvement project and a waste heat recovery system at the St. George School.
For Questions Contact
APICDA Programs 717 K St., Anchorage, AK 99501 Call: (907) 929-5273 Toll Free: 1 (888) 927-4232 Fax: (907) 929-5275