Emil Berikoff Sr. Memorial Scholarship

The purpose of the Emil Berikoff, Sr. Memorial (EBSM) Scholarship Program is to provide scholarship awards to APICDA community residents who are currently accepted to or enrolled at a nationally or regionally accredited college or university. 

It is APICDA’s belief that through education our communities will be able to build stronger infrastructures to promote and achieve the economic development necessary for sustainable healthy communities. APICDA uses the funds made available through the Community Development Quota program as a genesis for this economic growth and development; education of the residents of the APICDA region is a key component of this plan.

Scholarship Requirements: 

  • Be formally accepted at a college or university.
  • Meet the residency requirements.

Residency: Applicants may be Native or non-Native and must be residents of one of the following APICDA communities: Akutan, Atka, False Pass, Nelson Lagoon, Nikolski, St. George or Unalaska prior to application for the scholarship.

Unalaska Residency Requirement:  Applicants from Unalaska must have maintained full-time residency for at least five years immediately prior to the application date and must intend to return to (or work for the benefit of) the APICDA region upon completion of school.

Previous Resident Requirement:  Applicants who do not live in one of the APICDA communities must demonstrate their relationship with the APICDA region. The Training and Education Committee may give consideration to applicants who can provide a tie to the region based on the following, in order of significance:

1. Length of time applicant lived in the APICDA region.

2. Immediate family living in the APICDA region (Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Children).

3. Applicants intent to return to (or work for the benefit of) the APICDA region upon completion of school.

    • Demonstrate financial need; family income cap of $181,000.
    • Submit a complete application packet with all the required documents by the published deadline below.

Application Deadlines:

Applications must be completed, submitted and RECEIVED in APICDA office by the deadline.

July 1:     fall, winter and spring terms
Nov. 15:  spring term
April 1:   summer term

Click here for EBSM Instructions and Important Information

Click here for EBSM Scholarship Application

GPA Scholarship

Students who received the Emil Berikoff Sr. Memorial Scholarship and earn a 3.5 GPA or higher for the term are eligible to receive an additional GPA scholarship based on the following schedule:

3.5-3.74 GPA: $500/term up to $1,000 school year

3.75-3.99 GPA: $750 term up to $1,500 per school year

4.0 GPA: $1,000/term up to $2,000 per school year

There is no application process for this award.

For Questions Contact

717 K St., Anchorage, AK 99501
Call: (907) 929-5273
Toll Free: 1 (888) 927-4232
Fax: (907) 646-7741
E-mail: education@apicda.com